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Mazal News

Airplane turns back to collect passenger who had to care for her mother in hospital

On a regional flight in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil, airline pilots Julio Grizze and André Christofoli made a very moving decision. Their plane was ready for take-off when they were contacted by ground staff who informed them that a delayed passenger needed to come aboard.

Touched by the story of this woman who was travelling to the hospital bedside of her mother, who was seriously ill, the pilots did not hesitate and turned the plane round, and taxied back to the boarding gate, so that the woman could come on board. The other passengers were informed of this situation over the loudspeaker and applauded the pilots’ decision.


Avião retorna para buscar passageira que precisava cuidar da mãe no hospital

Os pilotos Julio Grizze e André Christofoli tomaram uma atitude emocionante em um voo regional no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O avião que comandavam já estava pronto para levantar voo quando os profissionais foram contatados pela equipa do solo, que informava que havia uma passageira atrasada que precisava embarcar.

Sensibilizados pela história da senhora, que se deslocava para cuidar da mãe internada em estado grave, os pilotos não tiveram dúvidas: retornaram a aeronave ao embarque e permitiram que a passageira entrasse. Os demais clientes foram informados da situação no alto-falante e aplaudiram a decisão dos pilotos.


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