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  • Mazal News

A young boy scratches a car with his bicycle and leaves behind a note with his father’s phonenumber

Benício Hoffmann, aged seven, was bike riding with his fathers around the streets of Curitiba, in Brazil, when he lost his balance and scratched a parked car. Without hesitation, he wrote a note apologising for this, and leaving his father’s phone number:

“Sorry, I hit your car. I wobbled on my bike. Here is my father’s phone number”.

According to Benício’s father, the boy intended to pay for the damage with the coins he had saved up in his piggy bank. However, that very same day, Marcelo Castilhos, the owner of the car, got in touch to say thank you but there was no need to pay.

He was so touched by the boy’s gesture, that he took a photograph of the note and shared it on social media: “I thought it was a sweet gesture, very honest. I looked everywhere, my car was quite dirty and I never saw it. If it hadn’t been for the note I wouldn’t have noticed”.


Menino arranha carro com bicicleta e deixa bilhete com telefone do pai

Benício Hoffmann, sete anos, passeava de bicicleta com o pai pelas ruas de Curitiba, no Brasil, quando desequilibrou-se e arranhou um carro estacionado. Sem titubear, o menino escreveu um bilhete desculpando-se e deixando o telefone do pai:

“Desculpa, eu bati no seu carro. Me desequilibrei na bicicleta. Aqui está o telefone do meu pai”.

Conforme o pai de Benício, a intenção do menino era juntar as moedas que tinha acumulado num cofrinho para pagar os danos causados. No entanto, no próprio dia, Marcelo Castilhos, o proprietário do veículo, entrou em contato agradecendo e dizendo que não seria necessário pagar.

Ele ficou tão sensibilizado com a atitude do menino que fotografou o bilhete e compartilhou nas redes sociais: “Eu achei um gesto de uma doçura, de uma honestidade grande. Eu procurei de todos os lados, meu carro estava meio sujo e nem reparei. Se não fosse o bilhete eu nem tinha notado”.


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