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English child receives ADHD treatment after being misdiagnosed with autism

Until recently, Alexander Spencer-Churchill and his wife, Scarlett, thought that Jake, their 5-year-old son, had autism – which had been diagnosed by the English national health system. However, everything changed after the couple visited the clinic of Professor Debora Elijah, who verified that the boy has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Jake Spencer-Churchill, five, pictured with his father Alexander.

After receiving proper treatment, Jake overcame many of his difficulties. According to the Daily Mail, this transformation is in large part thanks to Professor Debora Elijah's pioneering education centre, where the boy had his original NHS diagnosis overturned – ADHD and autism are sometimes confused as the symptoms overlap – and where he has received intensive support.

The Professor Debora Elijah, right, pictured with reporter Jo Macfarlane, left.

Alexander Spencer-Churchill remembers that, on his first meeting with Professor Elijah, she said, “You’re going to see an amazing change in the next six months.”

“I thought it was too good to be true, as anyone can say that sort of thing, but the improvements became obvious” said Jake's father.


Criança inglesa recebe tratamento para TDAH após ter sido diagnosticada erroneamente com autismo

Até pouco tempo, Alexander Spencer-Churchill e sua esposa, Scarlett, pensavam que Jake, o seu filho de 5 anos, tinha autismo – o que havia sido diagnosticado pelo sistema nacional de saúde inglês. No entanto, tudo mudou depois que o casal visitou a clínica da Professora Debora Elijah, que verificou que, na verdade, o menino tem transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH).

Após receber um tratamento adequado, Jake superou muitas das suas dificuldades. Conforme o Daily Mail, essa transformação é, em grande parte, graças ao centro educacional pioneiro da Professora Debora Elijah, onde o menino teve seu diagnóstico original do NHS anulado – TDAH e autismo às vezes são confundidos, pois os sintomas se sobrepõem – e onde ele tem recebido apoio intensivo.

Alexander Spencer-Churchill lembra que em seu primeiro encontro com a professora Elijah, ela disse: “você verá uma mudança incrível nos próximos seis meses”.

“Achei que era bom demais para ser verdade, já que qualquer um pode dizer esse tipo de coisa, mas as melhorias ficaram óbvias”, afirmou o pai de Jake.


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